the total group. (Oooops there go about 60 of my brownie points all at once. If I have "damaged" anyone I would surely like to know it so that I could at least apologize V.) Security is great for those who want it and need it but too damn many really don't have to be security conscious and they should be encouraged to be a little braver not coerced or forced but encouraged. Nobody is sitting outside with a shotgun waiting to pick off women who look like King Kong and I don't care if there is. (Maybe he doesn't but I wouldn't sleep nights feeling that I was responsible for "encouraging" someone to go out when she wasn't really ready and then learn she'd been picked up, lost her job, alienated her wife and/or family and perhaps lost job and reputation. This is exactly the point of difference between the attitude of myself and Fran who are concerned with protecting those expect- ing and needing protection and other parties and groups who make a big thing out of accepting all comers, of all breeds and being open about everything. I've had the experience of having supposed friends attempt to destroy me and I don't wish the experience on anyone else and that is why TVia, FPE, Contact and my own attitude are security minded. If YOU don't care about security that's your business, but your sisters do. - V)
our case
I know your theory of gender and sex and think you have a fantastic mind to have come up with such an interesting rationalization. (Too bad he is not better acquainted with modern science and he would know that my "fantastic” mind didn't come up with it, I only applied it to V). You must be capable of some objectivity; I don't expect it would be easy to get through to just any TV but you are supposedly brilliant. (Who supposed that?) Okay! There is no genetic need for clothing, male or female; in the physical makeup (RIGHT). There is no genetic need for sex male or female in the physical makeup (WRONG) These are learned over and above the physiognomy (SIC) of an indi- vidual. ******* Why do people, you included, seem to feel that behavior they abhor in themselves is okay if it is genetic. Where is their courage and conviction in their right to be what they want to be be- cause they want to be it? (Where was he when I was about 8 years ago putting down reincarnation, genetics, hormones, and domination as rationalizations for doing something you really just plain wanted to do? What have I been trying to teach in self acceptance but the idea that dressing is just a part of you, learn to accept it, be responsible for your own actions and don't pass the buck to someone or something else?
Well, you certainly have enough ammunition to pick apart in these four pages. You ought to be able to blast me real good. Not that it will matter (Then why should I bother and waste my time V?) If you have